
This section explains all configuration items related to user authentication. The central configuration is done via the AUTH_PROVIDERS configuration item, as explained below.


This configuration value specifies the authentication providers to be used for logging in to Kadi4Mat. One or more providers can be specified as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary needs to at least contain the type of the authentication provider. Please see the sections below for the provider-specific configuration options and other details.

Defaults to:

        "type": "local",


Sysadmins can also manage various aspects regarding existing users via the graphical sysadmin interface, e.g. activating or deactivating individual user accounts. Certain aspects may also be managed via the kadi users command of the Kadi CLI, which can be especially helpful for the initial user setup after completing the configuration:

sudo su - kadi    # Switch to the kadi user (in production environments)
kadi users --help # Get a list of user management commands

Provider configuration

Each authentication provider supports various configuration options that may need to be changed in order to make the provider work properly. The following sections describe these options as well as additional details about each provider, such as how the most important user attributes are handled.


Accounts based on local authentication are managed by Kadi4Mat itself, i.e. separate user accounts are required, but this option is also the easiest one to set up. The most important user attributes are handled the following:

  • Username: Set by the user (or sysadmin), but cannot be changed afterwards.

  • Email: Set by the user (or sysadmin). Can be changed by the user, but is not confirmed automatically.

  • Password: Set by the user (or generated automatically). Can be changed by the user.

The following configuration options are supported by this provider:


The type of the authentication provider. Must correspond to "local".


The title shown on the login page corresponding to the authentication provider.

Defaults to "Login with credentials" (localized).


The default system role of newly registered accounts. One of "admin", "member" or "guest". Please see the user management section in the graphical sysadmin interface for more information about system roles.

Defaults to "member".


Whether newly registered accounts are automatically activated or require manual activation by a sysadmin.

Defaults to True.


Whether email confirmation is required before any features of Kadi4Mat can be used.

Defaults to False.


Whether to allow users to register their own local accounts via the GUI of Kadi4Mat.

Defaults to False.


Sysadmins can also create local accounts manually via the graphical sysadmin interface. The same is possible via the Kadi CLI after installing and configuring Kadi4Mat successfully:

sudo su - kadi    # Switch to the kadi user (in production environments)
kadi users create # Create a new local user (either interactively or by providing suitable parameters)


Accounts based on LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) authentication are managed by a directory service implementing the LDAP protocol. The most important user attributes are handled the following:

  • Username: Retrieved via LDAP and cannot be changed.

  • Email: Retrieved via LDAP. Cannot be changed, but is confirmed automatically. If the email stored in LDAP is updated, it will also be updated in Kadi4Mat the next time the user logs in.

  • Password: Checked against LDAP, but not stored in Kadi4Mat. If configured, users may be able to change their LDAP password via Kadi4Mat. Otherwise, changing the password is only possible via LDAP directly.

The following configuration options are supported by this provider:


The type of the authentication provider. Must correspond to "ldap".


The title shown on the login page corresponding to the authentication provider.

Defaults to "Login with LDAP" (localized).


The default system role of newly registered accounts. One of "admin", "member" or "guest". Please see the user management section in the graphical sysadmin interface for more information about system roles.

Defaults to "member".


Whether newly registered accounts are automatically activated or require manual activation by a sysadmin.

Defaults to True.


Whether the LDAP server is an Active Directory.

Defaults to False.


The IP or hostname of the LDAP server.

Defaults to "".


The port of the LDAP server to connect with. The default port is usually 389, while port 636 is generally used together with SSL/TLS.

Defaults to 389.


The encryption method to use. Can be set to "ldaps" to use SSL/TLS for the entire connection or "starttls" to use STARTTLS.

Defaults to "starttls".


If secure connections to the LDAP server fail, this may be a result of newer Python versions by default not enabling older SSL/TLS ciphers anymore that offer less security (e.g. no forward secrecy). To see which cipher is used by the server by default, the following command may be used to test the connection:

openssl s_client -connect <host>:<port>

At the end of the command’s output, details about the SSL/TLS session should be listed, including the corresponding SSL/TLS cipher that was used. This value may then be configured via the ciphers configuration option.


Whether to validate the server’s SSL/TLS certificate if an encryption method is set.

Defaults to True.


One or more SSL/TLS ciphers to use as a single string according to the OpenSSL cipher list format (which separates multiple ciphers with colon) if an encryption method is set. May also be set to "DEFAULT", in which case the default ciphers of the installed OpenSSL version are used. Please be aware of the possible security implications when changing this value.

Defaults to None.


The base DN where users are stored in the LDAP directory, which will be used to perform a simple bind with a user for authentication and to retrieve the additional user attributes after a successful bind. The former works differently depending on whether the server is an Active Directory. For Active Directories, a UserPrincipalName is constructed from the DN’s domain components in the form of <username>@<domain>, where <username> is the specified username when logging in. Otherwise, the full bind DN is constructed as <username_attr>=<username>,<users_dn>.

Defaults to "".


The full DN of a user that should be used to perform any LDAP operations after a successful bind. By default, the bound (i.e. authenticated) user will be used for these operations.

Defaults to None.


The password of the configured bind_user.

Defaults to None.


The LDAP attribute name to use for the (unique) username of the user, e.g. "uid" or "sAMAccountName". Will also be used for the display name as fallback.

Defaults to "uid".


The LDAP attribute name to use for the email of the user.

Defaults to "mail".


The LDAP attribute name to use for the display name of the user. If firstname_attr and lastname_attr have been specified, these two attributes will take precedence.

Defaults to "displayName".


The LDAP attribute name to use for the first name of the display name instead of displayname_attr, e.g. "givenName". Must be used together with lastname_attr.

Defaults to None.


The LDAP attribute name to use for the last name of the display name instead of displayname_attr, e.g. "sn". Must be used together with firstname_attr.

Defaults to None.


Whether to allow LDAP users to change their password via Kadi4Mat. This uses LDAP’s Password Modify Extended Operation to perform the password change, so keep in mind that any password hashing is done server-side only, i.e. the connection should be encrypted.

Defaults to False.


Whether to send the old password when changing it, which might be required for some LDAP servers.

Defaults to False.

OpenID Connect

Accounts based on OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication are managed by one or more external web-based services, such as ORCID or an installation of Keycloak. The most important user attributes are handled the following:

  • Username: Retrieved via the respective OIDC provider, if possible. Can be changed by the user on initial account creation, but not afterwards.

  • Email: Retrieved via the respective OIDC provider, if possible. Can be changed by the user on initial account creation and also afterwards. Usually not confirmed automatically, unless an OIDC provider supplies the email, marks it as confirmed and it is not changed by the user during initial account creation.

  • Password: Checked against the respective OIDC provider, but not stored in Kadi4Mat. Changing the password is only possible via the respective OIDC provider directly.

The following configuration options are supported by this provider:


The type of the authentication provider. Must correspond to "oidc".


The title shown on the login page corresponding to the authentication provider.

Defaults to "Login with OpenID Connect" (localized).


The default system role of newly registered accounts. One of "admin", "member" or "guest". Please see the user management section in the graphical sysadmin interface for more information about system roles.

Defaults to "member".


Whether newly registered accounts are automatically activated or require manual activation by a sysadmin.

Defaults to True.


Whether email confirmation is required before any features of Kadi4Mat can be used.

Defaults to False.


A list of dictionaries, each dictionary specifying a supported OIDC provider with its specific configuration in a form similar to the authentication provider configuration itself.

Defaults to [].


A name to uniquely identify the provider. Mainly used internally.

Defaults to "".


An optional title of the provider, which will be used in a corresponding login button on the login page.

Defaults to the name of the provider.


An optional icon of the provider, which will be used in a corresponding login button on the login page next to the title. Currently, only (free) icons provided by the Font Awesome icon library are supported. Icons have to be specified using the corresponding CSS classes, e.g. "fa-brands fa-orcid".

Defaults to None.


The OIDC client ID obtained from the provider.

In order to obtain a client ID (and client secret), a Kadi4Mat instance has to be registered as an OIDC application first. The specific name of such an integration as well as the configuration values that need to be provided depend on the respective provider. The most important settings usually include:

  • Redirect URI: Must be in the form of https://<server_name>/oidc/authorize/<name>, where the <server_name> placeholder corresponds to the configured SERVER_NAME of Kadi4Mat, while the <name> placeholder corresponds to the unique name of the respective provider.

  • Client type: Some providers distinguish between different types of clients, depending on whether they can keep a client secret safe. As this is the case for Kadi4Mat, it should be added as a confidential application, if applicable, which usually corresponds to the Authorization Code grant type in the context of OAuth2.

  • Scopes: Scopes can determine the amount of user information that Kadi4Mat will receive from the provider. Kadi4Mat automatically requests the standard OIDC scopes openid, profile and email. Some providers require specifying these scopes during registration, in which case the same three scopes should be selected.

Defaults to "".


The OIDC client secret obtained from the provider. See the client_id configuration option on how to obtain it.

Defaults to "".


The OIDC discovery URL of the provider to automatically configure the authentication flow, usually in the form of https://<base_url>/.well-known/openid-configuration, where the <base_url> is the base URL of the respective provider.

Defaults to "".


Accounts based on Shibboleth authentication are managed by one or more external authentication providers. Conceptually, Shibboleth consists of a Service Provider (SP), in this case Kadi4Mat, and one or multiple Identity Providers (IdPs), which maintain and authenticate the user accounts. An IdP may either be a single organization or a federation of multiple organizations, such as the DFN-AAI or the SWITCHaai, to facilitate the integration of multiple IdPs.

The most important user attributes are handled the following:

  • Username: Retrieved via the respective IdP and cannot be changed.

  • Email: Retrieved via the respective IdP. Cannot be changed, but is confirmed automatically. If the email supplied by the IdP is updated, it will also be updated in Kadi4Mat the next time the user logs in.

  • Password: Checked against the respective IdP, but not stored in Kadi4Mat. Changing the password is only possible via the respective organization directly.


As setting up Shibboleth requires additional dependencies and configuration in addition to the Kadi4Mat configuration explained above, please also refer to the setup instructions explained in the next section.

The following configuration options are supported by this provider:


The type of the authentication provider. Must correspond to "shib".


The title shown on the login page corresponding to the authentication provider.

Defaults to "Login with Shibboleth" (localized).


The default system role of newly registered accounts. One of "admin", "member" or "guest". Please see the user management section in the graphical sysadmin interface for more information about system roles.

Defaults to "member".


Whether newly registered accounts are automatically activated or require manual activation by a sysadmin.

Defaults to True.


The encoding of the environment variables set via the Apache Shibboleth module containing the user and meta attributes.

Defaults to "latin-1".


The separator to use for splitting attributes containing multiple values.

Defaults to ";".


The entityID of the SP.

Defaults to "https://<server_name>/shibboleth", where <server_name> corresponds to the configured SERVER_NAME of Kadi4Mat.


The path of the session (login) initiator of the SP.

Defaults to "/Shibboleth.sso/Login".


The path of the (local) logout initiator of the SP.

Defaults to "/Shibboleth.sso/Logout".


The Shibboleth attribute name to extract the entityID of the current IdP from.

Defaults to "Shib-Identity-Provider".


The Shibboleth meta attribute name to extract the display name of the current IdP from.

Defaults to "Meta-displayName".


The Shibboleth meta attribute name to extract the support email address of the current IdP from.

Defaults to "Meta-supportContact".


The Shibboleth attribute name to use for the (unique) username of the user, which should correspond to the attribute used to extract the eduPersonPrincipalName. This name specifies a (generally) human-friendly username, which is combined with an IdP-specific scope value in the form of <username>@<scope>, making it globally unique. Will also be used for the display name as fallback.

Defaults to "eppn".


The Shibboleth attribute name to use for the email of the user.

Defaults to "mail".


The Shibboleth attribute name to use for the display name of the user.

Defaults to "displayName".


The Shibboleth attribute name to use for the first name. Only used if no display name could be found, in combination with lastname_attr.

Defaults to "givenName".


The Shibboleth attribute name to use for the last name. Only used if no display name could be found, in combination with firstname_attr.

Defaults to "sn".


A list of dictionaries, each dictionary specifying a supported Shibboleth IdP with its specific configuration in a form similar to the authentication provider configuration itself.

Defaults to [].


The name of the IdP, which will be used for displaying it in a corresponding selection.

Defaults to "".


The entityID of the IdP.

Defaults to "".

Setting up Shibboleth

Shibboleth has currently been tested with the official Shibboleth Service Provider 3 in combination with the Apache web server using the mod_shib module, which the following instructions are also based on. As configuring Shibboleth correctly heavily depends on the specific IdP(s) that should be used, the following sections attempt to provide the most important general and Kadi4Mat-specific instructions to make Shibboleth authentication work.

Obtaining a certificate

The SP requires a certificate in order to sign authentication requests and to decrypt SAML assertions. Usually, this certificate may be self-signed and differs from the server certificate that Kadi4Mat already uses for HTTPS. The requirements for this certificate and how long it may be valid differs per IdP. A good starting point to generate a certificate is the documentation of the SWITCHaai.

Once generated, the certificate and key files should be moved to a suitable place on the machine where Kadi4Mat is installed and given suitable permissions:

sudo mv <cert_file> /etc/ssl/certs
sudo chmod 644 /etc/ssl/certs/<cert_file>
sudo chown root:root /etc/ssl/certs/<cert_file>

sudo mv <key_file> /etc/ssl/private
sudo chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/<key_file>
sudo chown root:ssl-cert /etc/ssl/private/<key_file>


Independent of how the certificate is obtained, once it is expired, a certificate rollover has to be performed.

Installing additional dependencies

The Shibboleth SP and the corresponding Apache module have to be installed and enabled by running:

sudo apt install libapache2-mod-shib
sudo a2enmod shib

During the installation, a new user _shibd will be created automatically. This user needs access to the certificate used by Shibboleth later on, so it should be added to the ssl-cert group:

sudo usermod -a -G ssl-cert _shibd

Configuring Shibboleth

In order to configure Shibboleth, the main configuration file at /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml needs to be adjusted. Before doing so, it might be a good idea to create a backup of it. Generally, some of this configuration may depend on the specific IdPs that should be configured, however, the following sections list the most important XML elements that require changes:


This element configures the general behavior of the SP. The following two attributes need to be specified or changed:

<ApplicationDefaults entityID="<sp_entity_id>"
                     <!-- Other attributes. -->

    <!-- Other tags. -->
  • entityID: The unique identifier of the SP, which should match the value configured via the sp_entity_id authentication provider setting in Kadi4Mat.

  • metadataAttributePrefix: If set to Meta-, Kadi4Mat can extract various Shibboleth meta attributes without changing the default configuration of the authentication provider in Kadi4Mat.


This element configures how SSO sessions should be handled by the SP. The following attribute needs to be specified or changed:

<Sessions redirectLimit="exact">
          <!-- Other attributes. -->

    <!-- Other tags. -->
  • redirectLimit While not required by Kadi4Mat, it is highly recommended to change the value of the redirectLimit attribute to exact, if not already the case, as the SP might be left vulnerable to open redirect attacks otherwise.


This element specifies the configured single sign-on procotols within the SP and generally depends on the IdPs that should be used. However, as Kadi4Mat already provides a selection (“discovery”) of IdPs on its login page, configured via the idps authentication provider setting in Kadi4Mat, no attributes should be necessary here and any default attributes can be removed. The content of the element should be set to SAML2.


This element specifies the configured logout protocols for the SP. The easiest method is local logout, which will only be performed for the current SP, without any IdP involvement. To enable it, the content of the element should be set to only Local. No attributes should be necessary.


This element specifies how metadata are exchanged between the SP and the IdPs and therefore heavily depends on the IdPs that should be used. As metadata are usually distributed using XML files, a basic example of specifying a metadata provider, which may contain metadata for one or multiple IdPs, may look like the following:

<MetadataProvider type="XML"

This element specifies how different kinds of attributes will be extracted from different sources. In order to extract additional IdP metadata, which Kadi4Mat can use for displaying errors about missing (required) attributes to users, the following extractor should be defined, in addition to any default extractors:

<AttributeExtractor type="Metadata"
    <ContactPerson id="supportContact"

This element specifies the certificate and key files to use for signing and decrypting messages and assertions. Here, the corresponding files obtained in the first step have to be configured:

<CredentialResolver type="Chaining">
    <!-- Active certificate. -->
    <CredentialResolver type="File"

    <!-- Additional certificates, e.g. when performing a certificate rollover. -->

Once Shibboleth itself is configured, the attribute map file at /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml needs to be adjusted as well. This file specifies the attributes that Shibboleth should attempt to extract based on the information retrieved from an IdP. Usually, the default map should mostly work already, however, the following LDAP-based attributes might need to be enabled (or added, if not already present) in addition:

<Attribute name="urn:oid:" id="cn"/>
<Attribute name="urn:oid:" id="sn"/>
<Attribute name="urn:oid:" id="givenName"/>
<Attribute name="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241" id="displayName"/>
<Attribute name="urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3" id="mail"/>

Finally, the Shibboleth daemon has to be restarted to pick up all changes:

sudo systemctl restart shibd

Afterwards, it is recommended to take a look at the corresponding log file at /var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log to identify any potential configuration errors.

Configuring Apache

In order to configure Shibboleth in the Apache web server, the corresponding configuration file has to be adjusted, e.g. /etc/apache2/sites-available/kadi.conf when using the structure as described in the installation instructions:

# Before "ProxyPass / uwsgi:..."
ProxyPass /Shibboleth.sso !

# After "<Location /static>...</Location>"
<Location />
    AuthType shibboleth
    Require shibboleth

This configuration ensures that all requests to /Shibboleth.sso/* will be handled by Shibboleth (assuming this prefix was not changed via any other Shibboleth or Kadi4Mat setting), while the directive below defines a global rule to enable Shibboleth on all pages. This way, Shibboleth will generally be active, but won’t block access to any pages, as this will be handled by Kadi4Mat directly.

Configuring Kadi4Mat

Once all external dependencies are installed and configured, all that is left is to configure Kadi4Mat itself.


Even if configured successfully, authentication might not work out-of-the-box, as individual SPs might need to be enabled manually in each IdP that should be used by the corresponding IdP administrators. Some IdPs might also not release all required attributes to Kadi4Mat by default. In this case, users will be presented with a corresponding error page when attempting to log in to Kadi4Mat.