Source code for kadi.modules.templates.utils

# Copyright 2022 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from io import BytesIO

from flask import json
from flask_login import current_user

import kadi.lib.constants as const
from kadi.lib.resources.utils import get_filtered_resources
from kadi.lib.resources.utils import search_resources
from kadi.modules.records.extras import remove_extra_values
from kadi.modules.records.schemas import RecordImportSchema

from .models import Template
from .models import TemplateType
from .schemas import TemplateImportSchema

[docs]def search_templates( search_query=None, page=1, per_page=10, sort="_score", visibility=None, explicit_permissions=False, user_ids=None, template_type=None, user=None, ): """Search and filter for templates. Uses :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.get_filtered_resources` and :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param search_query: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param page: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param per_page: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param sort: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param visibility: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.get_filtered_resources`. :param explicit_permissions: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.get_filtered_resources`. :param user_ids: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.get_filtered_resources`. :param template_type: (optional) A type value to filter the templates with. :param user: (optional) The user to check for any permissions regarding the searched templates. Defaults to the current user. :return: The search results as returned by :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. """ user = user if user is not None else current_user templates_query = get_filtered_resources( Template, visibility=visibility, explicit_permissions=explicit_permissions, user_ids=user_ids, user=user, ) if template_type in TemplateType.__values__: templates_query = templates_query.filter(Template.type == template_type) template_ids = [ for t in templates_query.with_entities(] return search_resources( Template, search_query=search_query, page=page, per_page=per_page, sort=sort, filter_ids=template_ids, )
[docs]def parse_import_data(stream, import_type, template_type): """Parse imported template data of a given format. :param stream: The import data as a readable binary stream. :param import_type: The import type, currently only ``"json"``. :param template_type: The expected template type corresponding to the import data. :return: The imported template data as a dictionary. Note that none of the template attributes are guaranteed to be present. """ if import_type == const.IMPORT_TYPE_JSON: import_data = BytesIO( try: import_data = json.load(import_data) if not isinstance(import_data, dict): return None # Basic check if we are dealing with template or record data. if "data" in import_data: import_template_type = import_data.get("type") import_data = TemplateImportSchema( template_type=import_template_type, partial=True ).load(import_data) else: import_template_type = TemplateType.RECORD import_data = RecordImportSchema(partial=True).load(import_data) # Remove the values of extras when dealing with record data. if "extras" in import_data: import_data["extras"] = remove_extra_values(import_data["extras"]) import_data = {"data": import_data} # Allow using record data for extras templates and vice versa. if ( template_type == TemplateType.RECORD and import_template_type == TemplateType.EXTRAS ): import_data["data"] = {"extras": import_data.get("data", [])} elif ( template_type == TemplateType.EXTRAS and import_template_type == TemplateType.RECORD ): import_data["data"] = import_data.get("data", {}).get("extras", []) elif template_type != import_template_type: return None return import_data except: return None return None