Source code for kadi.modules.records.previews

# Copyright 2020 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import csv
import tarfile
import zipfile
from base64 import b64encode
from io import BytesIO

import h5py
import numpy as np
from charset_normalizer import from_bytes
from flask import current_app
from flask import json
from PIL import Image

import kadi.lib.constants as const
from kadi.lib.plugins.core import run_hook
from kadi.lib.web import url_for

# Prefix of the (OpenXML based) MS office MIME types.
MS_OFFICE_PREFIX = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument"

# MIME types that currently should not be previewed at all, rather than showing an
# unexpected preview.

    # Matlab application data may be based on HDF5.
OBJ_MIMETYPE = "model/obj"
XYZ_MIMETYPE = "chemical/x-xyz"

# Maximum amount of entries for archive-like previews.
# Maximum amount of rows for CSV previews.
# Maximum amount of chars to read for text-based previews.
MAX_TEXT_CHARS = 100_000
# Maximum width/height for image thumbnails.

[docs]def get_builtin_preview_data(file): """Get the preview data of a file based on all built-in preview types. :param file: The :class:`.File` to get the preview data of. :return: The preview type and preview data as tuple or `None`` if none of the built-in preview types are suitable. """ if file.mimetype in IGNORED_MIMETYPES: return None is_text_based = file.magic_mimetype.startswith("text/") download_url = url_for( "api.download_file", record_id=file.record_id, ) # Archive preview, which consists of a hierarchical list of entries and metadata. if file.magic_mimetype in ARCHIVE_MIMETYPES: archive_data = _get_archive_preview(file) if archive_data is not None: return "archive", archive_data # Audio preview, which just returns the download link of the file. if file.magic_mimetype in AUDIO_MIMETYPES: return "audio", download_url # CSV preview, which consists of tabular text data as well as some additional # metadata (encoding and whether a header is detected). if file.magic_mimetype == const.MIMETYPE_CSV or ( is_text_based and file.mimetype == const.MIMETYPE_CSV ): text_data = _get_text_data(file) if text_data is not None: csv_data = _get_csv_preview(text_data["data"], text_data["encoding"]) if csv_data is not None: return "csv", csv_data # Excel preview, which just returns the download link of the file. if file.magic_mimetype == f"{MS_OFFICE_PREFIX}.spreadsheetml.sheet": return "excel", download_url # HDF5 preview, which consists of a hierarchical list of entries and metadata. if file.magic_mimetype in HDF_MIMETYPES: hdf_data = _get_hdf_preview(file) if hdf_data is not None: return "hdf", hdf_data # Image preview for image types that can be previewed directly, in which case the # direct preview link of the file is returned. if file.magic_mimetype in const.IMAGE_MIMETYPES: return "image", url_for( "api.preview_file", record_id=file.record_id, ) # Image preview for image types that cannot be previewed directly. These images are # converted to a base64 encoded PNG thumbnail. if file.magic_mimetype in IMAGE_MIMETYPES: image_data = _get_image_preview(file) if image_data is not None: return "image", image_data # JSON preview, which consists of the parsed JSON content of the file. if file.magic_mimetype == const.MIMETYPE_JSON: json_data = _get_json_preview(file) if json_data is not None: return "json", json_data # Markdown preview, which consists of lines of text and the corresponding encoding. if file.magic_mimetype == const.MIMETYPE_MD or ( is_text_based and file.mimetype == const.MIMETYPE_MD ): text_data = _get_text_data(file) if text_data is not None: return "markdown", _get_text_preview( text_data["data"], text_data["encoding"] ) # OBJ preview, which just returns the download link of the file. if file.magic_mimetype == OBJ_MIMETYPE or ( is_text_based and file.mimetype == OBJ_MIMETYPE ): return "obj", download_url # PDF preview, which just returns the direct preview link of the file. if file.magic_mimetype == const.MIMETYPE_PDF: return "pdf", url_for( "api.preview_file", record_id=file.record_id, ) # STL preview, which just returns the download link of the file. if file.magic_mimetype in STL_MIMETYPES or ( (is_text_based or file.magic_mimetype == const.MIMETYPE_BINARY) and file.mimetype in STL_MIMETYPES ): return "stl", download_url # Video preview, which just returns the download link of the file. if file.magic_mimetype == "video/mp4": return "video", download_url # VTP preview, which just returns the download link of the file. As there are no # standardized MIME types, we have to partially rely on the file name. if file.magic_mimetype in VTP_MIMETYPES and".vtp"): return "vtp", download_url # Workflow preview, which just returns the download link of the file. if file.magic_mimetype == const.MIMETYPE_FLOW: return "workflow", download_url # XYZ preview, which just returns the download link of the file. if file.magic_mimetype == XYZ_MIMETYPE or ( is_text_based and file.mimetype == XYZ_MIMETYPE ): return "xyz", download_url return None
[docs]def get_preview_data(file, use_fallback=True): """Get the preview data of a file. Uses the :func:`kadi.plugins.spec.kadi_get_preview_data` plugin hook for custom preview data. :param file: The :class:`.File` to get the preview data of. :param use_fallback: (optional) Flag indicating whether the file should be checked for textual data as fallback. :return: The preview type and preview data as tuple, which are always guaranteed to be JSON serializable. If either the preview type or data could not be determined, ``None`` is returned. """ if file.size == 0: return None try: preview_data = run_hook("kadi_get_preview_data", file=file) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) return None if preview_data is not None: if ( not isinstance(preview_data, tuple) or not len(preview_data) == 2 or None in preview_data ): current_app.logger.error(f"Invalid preview data format for {file!r}.") return None try: # Check whether the data is JSON serializable. json.dumps(preview_data, sort_keys=False) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) return None if preview_data is None and use_fallback: text_data = _get_text_data(file) if text_data is not None: return "text", _get_text_preview(text_data["data"], text_data["encoding"]) return preview_data
def _archive_entries_to_list(entries): results = [] for name, entry in entries.items(): item = {"name": name, **entry} if entry["is_dir"]: item["children"] = _archive_entries_to_list(item["children"]) results.append(item) return sorted(results, key=lambda item: (not item["is_dir"], item["name"])) def _get_archive_preview(file): infolist = [] if file.magic_mimetype == const.MIMETYPE_ZIP: try: with as f: with zipfile.ZipFile(f) as zip_file: infolist = zip_file.infolist()[:MAX_ARCHIVE_ENTRIES] except zipfile.BadZipFile: return None else: # Tar files do not have a central file list, so we limit the preview to # smaller files. if file.size > const.PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE: return None try: with as f: with as tar_file: num_items = 0 for item in tar_file: infolist.append(item) num_items += 1 if num_items >= MAX_ARCHIVE_ENTRIES: break except tarfile.TarError: return None entries = {} for item in infolist: if isinstance(item, zipfile.ZipInfo): is_dir = item.filename.endswith("/") size = item.file_size parts = item.filename.split("/") if not is_dir: name = parts[-1] parents = parts[:-1] else: name = parts[-2] parents = parts[:-2] elif isinstance(item, tarfile.TarInfo): is_dir = item.isdir() size = item.size parts ="/") name = parts[-1] parents = parts[:-1] current_dir = entries for parent in parents: if parent not in current_dir: # Depending on how the archive was created, not all directories might be # listed separately. current_dir[parent] = {"is_dir": True, "children": {}} current_dir = current_dir[parent]["children"] # Depending on how the archive was created, some entries might be listed # multiple times. if name in current_dir: continue current_dir[name] = {"is_dir": is_dir} if not is_dir: current_dir[name]["size"] = size else: current_dir[name]["children"] = {} return _archive_entries_to_list(entries) def _get_file_encoding(file): with as f: # Note that larger files might produce incorrect results for multibyte encodings # when reading them only partially. results = from_bytes( * const.ONE_MB)) best_result = if best_result: return best_result.encoding return None def _get_text_data(file): encoding = _get_file_encoding(file) if encoding is None: return None try: with, mode="r", encoding=encoding) as f: return { "data":, "encoding": encoding, } except: return None def _get_csv_preview(data, encoding): rows = [] sniffer = csv.Sniffer() try: dialect = sniffer.sniff(data) has_header = sniffer.has_header(data) for row in csv.reader(data.splitlines(), dialect=dialect): # Ignore completely empty rows. if len(row) > 0: rows.append(row) if len(rows) >= MAX_CSV_ROWS: break except: return None return { "rows": rows, "encoding": encoding, "has_header": has_header, } def _convert_hdf_attr(attr): if isinstance(attr, np.ndarray): attrs = [] for _attr in attr: attrs.append(_convert_hdf_attr(_attr)) return attrs try: attr = attr.item() if isinstance(attr, bytes): attr = attr.decode() return attr except: return str(attr) def _get_hdf_entries(h5_file, entry_count=0): entry = { "name":"/")[-1] or "/", "is_group": False, "attrs": {}, } # Record the total amount of entries, taking into account the recursion. entry_count += 1 for key, value in h5_file.attrs.items(): entry["attrs"][key] = _convert_hdf_attr(value) if isinstance(h5_file, h5py.Group): entry["is_group"] = True entry["children"] = [] for value in h5_file.values(): if entry_count >= MAX_ARCHIVE_ENTRIES: break new_entry, entry_count = _get_hdf_entries(value, entry_count=entry_count) entry["children"].append(new_entry) else: entry["meta"] = {} for attr in ["dtype", "ndim", "shape", "maxshape", "size", "nbytes"]: entry["meta"][attr] = str(getattr(h5_file, attr, "")) return entry, entry_count def _get_hdf_preview(file): with as f: try: h5_file = h5py.File(f) hdf_data = _get_hdf_entries(h5_file)[0] return [hdf_data] except: return None def _get_image_preview(file): if file.size > const.PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE: return None image_data = BytesIO() with as f: try: with as image: # Special handling to support 16 bit TIFF images. if image.format == "TIFF" and image.mode == "I;16": image = image.point(lambda i: i * (1 / 256)).convert("L") image.thumbnail((MAX_THUMBNAIL_RESOLUTION, MAX_THUMBNAIL_RESOLUTION)), format="PNG") image_data = b64encode(image_data.getvalue()).decode() except: return None return f"data:image/png;base64,{image_data}" def _get_json_preview(file): if file.size > const.PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE: return None encoding = _get_file_encoding(file) if encoding is None: return None try: with, mode="r", encoding=encoding) as f: return { "json": json.load(f), "encoding": encoding, } except: return None def _get_text_preview(data, encoding): return { "lines": data.rstrip().splitlines(), "encoding": encoding, }