Source code for kadi.lib.forms

# Copyright 2020 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from datetime import timezone

from flask import json
from flask_babel import gettext as _
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _l
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from flask_wtf.i18n import translations as wtf_translations
from markupsafe import escape
from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage
from wtforms import BooleanField as _BooleanField
from wtforms import DateTimeField
from wtforms import Field
from wtforms import FileField as _FileField
from wtforms import IntegerField as _IntegerField
from wtforms import PasswordField as _PasswordField
from wtforms import SelectField as _SelectField
from wtforms import SelectMultipleField
from wtforms import StringField as _StringField
from wtforms import SubmitField as _SubmitField
from wtforms import TextAreaField
from wtforms.validators import Length
from wtforms.validators import StopValidation

from kadi.lib.config.core import MISSING
from kadi.lib.config.core import get_sys_config
from kadi.lib.config.core import set_sys_config
from kadi.lib.utils import compact_json

from .validation import validate_identifier as _validate_identifier
from .validation import validate_iri as _validate_iri
from .validation import validate_mimetype as _validate_mimetype
from .validation import validate_username as _validate_username
from .validation import validator

[docs]class CustomFieldMixin: """Mixin class for all custom fields and for wrapping existing fields. Adds a common dictionary conversion to all inheriting fields and also handles some common corner cases. """ def __call__(self): """Convert this field into a JSON representation for use in HTML templates. :return: An escaped markup object representing the dictionary returned by :meth:`to_dict` serialized as JSON. """ return escape(compact_json(self.to_dict(), ensure_ascii=True, sort_keys=False)) def process_formdata(self, valuelist): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring if valuelist: # The file should always be listed first. value = valuelist[0] is_file = isinstance(value, FileStorage) is_file_field = isinstance(self, FileField) # This is a workaround to handle corner cases where a file is expected but a # string is supplied and vice versa. if is_file != is_file_field: raise ValueError("Incorrect value format.") super().process_formdata(valuelist)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert this field into a dictionary representation.""" data = { "id":, "name":, "label": str(self.label.text), "description": str(self.description), "errors": self.errors or [], "data": if is not None else "", "validation": { "required": self.flags.required or False, }, } for validator in self.validators: if isinstance(validator, Length): if validator.min != -1: data["validation"]["min"] = validator.min if validator.max != -1: data["validation"]["max"] = validator.max return data
[docs]class BooleanField(CustomFieldMixin, _BooleanField): """Regular boolean field inheriting from :class:`CustomFieldMixin`."""
[docs]class IntegerField(CustomFieldMixin, _IntegerField): """Regular integer field inheriting from :class:`CustomFieldMixin`."""
[docs]class StringField(CustomFieldMixin, _StringField): """Regular string field inheriting from :class:`CustomFieldMixin`."""
[docs]class SubmitField(CustomFieldMixin, _SubmitField): """Regular submit field inheriting from :class:`CustomFieldMixin`."""
[docs]class PasswordField(CustomFieldMixin, _PasswordField): """Regular password field inheriting from :class:`CustomFieldMixin`."""
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = super().to_dict() data["data"] = "" return data
[docs]class FileField(CustomFieldMixin, _FileField): """Custom file field."""
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = super().to_dict() data["data"] = None return data
[docs]class LFTextAreaField(CustomFieldMixin, TextAreaField): """Custom text area field that converts *CRLF* to *LF*."""
[docs] def process_formdata(self, valuelist): super().process_formdata(valuelist) if valuelist: ="\r\n", "\n")
[docs]class UTCDateTimeField(CustomFieldMixin, DateTimeField): """Custom timezone aware DateTimeField using UTC. :param date_format: (optional) The date format to use for parsing and serializing. """ def __init__(self, *args, date_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ", **kwargs): kwargs["format"] = date_format super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process_formdata(self, valuelist): super().process_formdata(valuelist) if valuelist: =
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = super().to_dict() data["data"] = self._value() return data
[docs]class SelectField(CustomFieldMixin, _SelectField): """Custom select field."""
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = super().to_dict() if self.choices is not None: data["choices"] = [(val, str(title)) for val, title in self.choices] else: data["choices"] = [] return data
[docs]class DynamicSelectField(CustomFieldMixin, _SelectField): """Custom select field for dynamically generated selections. Note that this field automatically replaces empty strings in the form data with its default value (``None``) instead of trying to coerce them. In addition, the instance variable ``initial`` can be used to specify an initial value to prefill the selection with by setting it to a tuple containing the actual value and a corresponding text to be displayed within the selection. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.initial = None kwargs["default"] = None kwargs["choices"] = [] kwargs["validate_choice"] = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process_formdata(self, valuelist): if valuelist: value = valuelist[0].strip() if not value: = self.default else: super().process_formdata(valuelist)
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = super().to_dict() data["data"] = self.initial return data
[docs]class DynamicMultiSelectField(CustomFieldMixin, SelectMultipleField): """Custom multi select field for dynamically generated selections. The instance variable ``initial`` can be used to set a list of initial values to prefill the selection with. See also :class:`DynamicSelectField`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.initial = [] kwargs["default"] = [] kwargs["choices"] = [] kwargs["validate_choice"] = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = super().to_dict() data["data"] = self.initial return data
[docs]class JSONField(CustomFieldMixin, Field): """Custom field that processes its data as JSON.""" def _value(self): return
[docs] def process_formdata(self, valuelist): super().process_formdata(valuelist) if valuelist: try: = json.loads( except Exception as e: = self.default raise ValueError(_("Invalid JSON data.")) from e
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = super().to_dict() data["data"] = self._value() return data
[docs]class KadiForm(FlaskForm): """Base class for all forms. :param suffix: (optional) A suffix that will be appended to all field IDs in the form of ``"<id>_<suffix>"``. This is especially useful when dealing with multiple forms on the same page. Note that this differs in behavior from the ``prefix`` parameter of WTForms, since only the IDs of fields are effected and not their names. """ def __init__(self, *args, suffix=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if suffix is not None: for field in self._fields.values(): = field.label.field_id = f"{}_{suffix}"
[docs]class BaseConfigForm(KadiForm): r"""Base form class for use in setting config items. All fields in an inheriting form will be populated automatically from suitable config items stored in the database, if applicable. As keys for the config items, the field names are taken in uppercase. :param user: (optional) A user indicating whether global or user-specific config items are to be used for prepopulating the form and when setting the values of config items in the database via :meth:`set_config_values`. :param key_prefix: (optional) A string value to use as a prefix for all config items retrieved from and saved in the database. The prefix is used in uppercase and combined with each uppercase field name in the form of ``"<key_prefix>_<field_name>"``. :param ignored_fields: (optional) A set of field names, as specified in the class attributes, to ignore when prepopulating the form and when setting the values of config items in the database via :meth:`set_config_values`. Note that the ``"submit"`` field is always ignored. :param encrypted_fields: (optional) A set of field names, as specified in the class attributes, to use encryption/decryption for when prepopulating the form and when setting the values of config items in the database via :meth:`set_config_values`. Note that this only works for user-specific config items. :param \**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to :class:`.KadiForm`. """ submit = SubmitField(_l("Save changes")) def _iterate_fields(self, callback): for field in self._unbound_fields: field_name = field[0] if field_name not in self._ignored_fields: callback(field_name) def __init__( self, *args, user=None, key_prefix=None, ignored_fields=None, encrypted_fields=None, **kwargs, ): self._user = user self._key_prefix = f"{key_prefix.upper()}_" if key_prefix else "" self._ignored_fields = ignored_fields if ignored_fields is not None else set() self._ignored_fields.add("submit") self._encrypted_fields = ( encrypted_fields if encrypted_fields is not None else set() ) kwargs["data"] = {} def _prepopulate_fields(field_name): config_key = self._key_prefix + field_name.upper() if self._user is None: config_value = get_sys_config(config_key, use_fallback=False) else: config_value = self._user.get_config( config_key, decrypt=field_name in self._encrypted_fields ) if config_value is not MISSING: kwargs["data"][field_name] = config_value self._iterate_fields(_prepopulate_fields) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_config_values(self): """Automatically set all config items based on the respective field data. Useful to populate all relevant config items in the database after a form is submitted. Similar to prepopulating the form fields, the names of the fields are taken in uppercase as keys for each config item. """ def _set_config_value(field_name): config_key = self._key_prefix + field_name.upper() field_data = getattr(self, field_name).data if self._user is None: set_sys_config(config_key, field_data) else: self._user.set_config( config_key, field_data, encrypt=field_name in self._encrypted_fields ) self._iterate_fields(_set_config_value)
[docs]@validator(StopValidation) def validate_identifier(form, field): """Validate an identifier in a form field. Uses :func:`kadi.lib.validation.validate_identifier`. :param form: The form object. :param field: The field object. """ if is not None: _validate_identifier(
[docs]@validator(StopValidation) def validate_mimetype(form, field): """Validate a MIME type in a form field. Uses :func:`kadi.lib.validation.validate_mimetype`. :param form: The form object. :param field: The field object. """ if is not None: _validate_mimetype(
[docs]@validator(StopValidation) def validate_username(form, field): """Validate a local username in a form field. Uses :func:`kadi.lib.validation.validate_username`. :param form: The form object. :param field: The field object. """ if is not None: _validate_username(
[docs]@validator(StopValidation) def validate_iri(form, field): """Validate an IRI in a form field. Uses :func:`kadi.lib.validation.validate_iri`. :param form: The form object. :param field: The field object. """ if is not None: _validate_iri(
SCHEMA_FORM_VALIDATIONS = { "Field may not be null.": "This field is required.", }
[docs]def convert_schema_validation_msg(msg, **interpolations): r"""Convert a schema validation message to a corresponding form field message. This is mainly useful when using a schema for validation in a field in order to better match the usual form validation messages. Note that, if possible, the messages will be translated using the translations provided by WTForms. :param msg: The validation message to convert. :param \**interpolations: Additional keyword arguments to provide interpolation values for the converted validation message. :return: The converted validation message or the original message if it could not be converted. """ # Avoids the strings from being extracted, as we don't want to translate them # ourselves. ngettext_func = wtf_translations.ngettext if msg.startswith("Longer than maximum length"): max_value = interpolations.get("max", -1) msg = ngettext_func( "Field cannot be longer than %(max)d character.", "Field cannot be longer than %(max)d characters.", max_value, ) return msg % {"max": max_value} msg = SCHEMA_FORM_VALIDATIONS.get(msg, msg) return wtf_translations.gettext(msg)