Source code for kadi.modules.accounts.providers.ldap

# Copyright 2020 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _l

import kadi.lib.constants as const
from kadi.ext.db import db
from kadi.lib.ldap import bind
from kadi.lib.ldap import make_connection
from kadi.lib.ldap import make_server
from kadi.lib.ldap import make_upn
from kadi.lib.ldap import modify_password
from kadi.lib.ldap import search
from kadi.lib.ldap import unbind
from kadi.lib.utils import named_tuple
from kadi.modules.accounts.models import LDAPIdentity

from .core import BaseProvider

[docs] class LDAPProvider(BaseProvider): """LDAP authentication provider."""
[docs] class Meta: """Container to store meta class attributes.""" provider_type = const.AUTH_PROVIDER_TYPE_LDAP """The type of the provider.""" defaults = { "title": _l("Login with LDAP"), "default_system_role": "member", "activate_users": True, "active_directory": False, "host": "", "port": 389, "encryption": "starttls", "validate_cert": True, "ciphers": None, "users_dn": "", "bind_user": None, "bind_pw": None, "username_attr": "uid", "email_attr": "mail", "displayname_attr": "displayName", "firstname_attr": None, "lastname_attr": None, "allow_password_change": False, "send_old_password": False, } """The default configuration values of the provider."""
@classmethod def _make_connection(cls, bind_user=None, username=None, password=None): config = cls.get_config() encryption = config["encryption"] if encryption is not None: encryption = encryption.lower() server = make_server( config["host"], port=config["port"], use_ssl=encryption == "ldaps", validate_cert="REQUIRED" if config["validate_cert"] else "NONE", ciphers=config["ciphers"], ) if server is None: return None user = None if bind_user is not None: user = bind_user elif username is not None: if config["active_directory"]: user = make_upn(username, config["users_dn"]) else: user = f"{config['username_attr']}={username},{config['users_dn']}" return make_connection( server, user=user, password=password, use_starttls=encryption == "starttls" ) @classmethod def _authenticate(cls, username, password): # Try authenticating as the user. connection = cls._make_connection(username=username, password=password) if connection is None or not bind(connection): return None # Then check if another user was configured to use for the LDAP operations. config = cls.get_config() bind_user = config["bind_user"] if bind_user is not None: unbind(connection) connection = cls._make_connection( bind_user=bind_user, password=config["bind_pw"] ) if connection is None or not bind(connection): return None return connection
[docs] @classmethod def allow_password_change(cls): if not cls.is_registered(): return False return cls.get_config()["allow_password_change"]
[docs] @classmethod def change_password(cls, *, username, old_password, new_password): if not cls.is_registered(): return False config = cls.get_config() connection = cls._authenticate(username, old_password) if connection is None: return False kwargs = {} if config["send_old_password"]: kwargs["old_password"] = old_password result = modify_password( connection, f"{config['username_attr']}={username},{config['users_dn']}", new_password, active_directory=config["active_directory"], **kwargs, ) unbind(connection) return result
[docs] @classmethod def authenticate(cls, *, username, password): """Authenticate an LDAP user. :param username: The user's unique name to use for binding to the LDAP server and for searching their entry in the database. :param password: The user's password to use for binding to the LDAP server. :return: An instance of :class:`.UserInfo`. If the authentication was successful, the contained data is a named tuple containing the username (``username``), email (``email``) and display name (``displayname``) of the user. """ if not cls.is_registered(): return cls.UserInfo(False) connection = cls._authenticate(username, password) if connection is None: return cls.UserInfo(False) config = cls.get_config() search_filter = f"({config['username_attr']}={username})" attribute_map = { "username": config["username_attr"], "email": config["email_attr"], } if config["firstname_attr"] and config["lastname_attr"]: attribute_map["firstname"] = config["firstname_attr"] attribute_map["lastname"] = config["lastname_attr"] elif config["displayname_attr"]: attribute_map["displayname"] = config["displayname_attr"] results = search(connection, config["users_dn"], search_filter, attribute_map) unbind(connection) if results is None: return cls.UserInfo(False) username = results["username"] email = results["email"] if username is None or email is None: return cls.UserInfo(False) displayname = results.get("displayname") # Check if any of the optional attributes were specified to determine the # display name, or just fall back to the username. if displayname is None: firstname = results.get("firstname") lastname = results.get("lastname") if firstname is not None and lastname is not None: displayname = f"{firstname} {lastname}" if displayname is None: displayname = username ldap_data = named_tuple( "LDAPData", username=username, email=email, displayname=displayname ) return cls.UserInfo(True, ldap_data)
[docs] @classmethod def register( cls, *, displayname, username, email, system_role=None, apply_role_rules=True ): """Register a new LDAP user. If an identity with the given ``username`` already exists, that identity will be updated with the given ``email``. Note that this function may issue a database commit or rollback. :param displayname: The user's display name. :param username: The user's unique name. :param email: The user's email address. :param system_role: (optional) The user's system role. Defaults to the configured default system role. :param apply_role_rules: (optional) Flag indicating whether to apply all existing role rules to the newly registered user. :return: A new :class:`.LDAPIdentity` object linked with a new user or an existing, updated :class:`.LDAPIdentity`. Returns ``None`` if the identity could not be created. """ if not cls.is_registered(): return None identity = LDAPIdentity.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if identity: = email db.session.commit() return identity config = cls.get_config() system_role = ( system_role if system_role is not None else config["default_system_role"] ) return cls.create_identity( LDAPIdentity, displayname=displayname, system_role=system_role, activate_user=config["activate_users"], apply_role_rules=apply_role_rules, username=username, email=email, )