Source code for kadi.modules.main.utils

# Copyright 2021 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from flask_login import current_user

import kadi.lib.constants as const
from kadi.ext.db import db
from kadi.lib.favorites.models import Favorite
from kadi.lib.permissions.core import get_permitted_objects
from import SavedSearch
from import SavedSearchSchema
from kadi.lib.utils import get_class_by_name
from kadi.lib.web import url_for

[docs] def get_favorite_resources(max_items=6, user=None): """Get a list of serialized resources favorited by the given user. :param max_items: (optional) The maximum number of resource to return. :param user: (optional) The user the favorite resources belong to. Defaults to the current user. :return: The serialized resources as a list of dictionaries, each resource additionally containing its type in a human-readable manner as ``pretty_type``. """ user = user if user is not None else current_user resource_queries = [] for resource_type, resource_type_meta in const.RESOURCE_TYPES.items(): favorite_ids_query = user.favorites.filter( Favorite.object == resource_type ).with_entities(Favorite.object_id) if not favorite_ids_query.count(): continue model = get_class_by_name(resource_type_meta["model"]) # Only query the ID, modification date and type, as the resulting resources will # not be serialized as-is. resources_query = ( get_permitted_objects(user, "read", resource_type) .filter( model.state == const.MODEL_STATE_ACTIVE,, ) .with_entities(, model.last_modified.label("last_modified"), db.literal(resource_type).label("type"), ) ) resource_queries.append(resources_query) if not resource_queries: return [] resources = ( resource_queries[0] .union(*resource_queries[1:]) .order_by(db.desc("last_modified")) .limit(max_items) ) serialized_resources = [] for resource in resources: resource_type_meta = const.RESOURCE_TYPES[resource.type] model = get_class_by_name(resource_type_meta["model"]) schema = get_class_by_name(resource_type_meta["schema"]) serialized_resources.append( { **schema(_internal=True).dump(model.query.get(, "pretty_type": resource_type_meta["title"], } ) return serialized_resources
[docs] def get_resource_searches(user=None): """Get a list of serialized saved resource searches of the given user. :param user: (optional) The user the saved searches belong to. Defaults to the current user. :return: The serialized searches as a list of dictionaries, each search additionally containing its corresponding resource type in a human-readable manner as ``pretty_type``. """ user = user if user is not None else current_user whens = [ (resource_type, index) for index, resource_type in enumerate(const.RESOURCE_TYPES) ] saved_searches = user.saved_searches.filter( SavedSearch.object.in_(const.RESOURCE_TYPES) ).order_by(*whens, value=SavedSearch.object), schema = SavedSearchSchema(_internal=True) serialized_searches = [] for saved_search in saved_searches: serialized_searches.append( { **schema.dump(saved_search), "pretty_type": const.RESOURCE_TYPES[saved_search.object][ "title_plural" ], } ) return serialized_searches
def _get_resource_data(resource_config, user): resource_type = resource_config.get("resource") max_items = resource_config.get("max_items", 0) if resource_type not in const.RESOURCE_TYPES or not max_items: return None resource_type_meta = const.RESOURCE_TYPES[resource_type] model = get_class_by_name(resource_type_meta["model"]) schema = get_class_by_name(resource_type_meta["schema"]) endpoint_args = {} explicit_permissions = resource_config.get("explicit_permissions", False) if explicit_permissions: if resource_type == "group": endpoint_args["member_only"] = "true" else: endpoint_args["explicit_permissions"] = "true" if resource_config.get("creator", "any") == "any": resources_query = get_permitted_objects( user, "read", resource_type, check_defaults=not explicit_permissions ) else: resources_query = model.query.filter(model.user_id == endpoint_args["user"] = visibility = resource_config.get("visibility", "all") if visibility != "all": resources_query = resources_query.filter(model.visibility == visibility) endpoint_args["visibility"] = visibility resources = ( resources_query.filter(model.state == const.MODEL_STATE_ACTIVE) .order_by(model.last_modified.desc()) .limit(max_items) .all() ) if not resources: return None return { "title": str(resource_type_meta["title_plural"]), "url": url_for(resource_type_meta["endpoint"], **endpoint_args), "items": schema(many=True, _internal=True).dump(resources), }
[docs] def get_latest_resources(user=None): """Get a list of serialized resources according to their modification date. Uses the home page layout as configured via the user-specific ``"HOME_LAYOUT"`` config item to determine how many resources of each type to collect. :param user: (optional) The user the layout belongs to. Defaults to the current user. :return: The serialized resources as a list of dictionaries per resource type, each containing the localized resource title (``"title"``), the resource search url (``"url"``) and the serialized resources themselves (``"items"``). """ user = user if user is not None else current_user home_layout = user.get_config( const.USER_CONFIG_HOME_LAYOUT, default=const.USER_CONFIG_HOME_LAYOUT_DEFAULT ) serialized_resources = [] for resource_config in home_layout: resource_data = _get_resource_data(resource_config, user) if resource_data is not None: serialized_resources.append(resource_data) return serialized_resources