Source code for kadi.modules.collections.utils

# Copyright 2021 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from flask_login import current_user

from kadi.lib.conversion import truncate
from kadi.lib.permissions.core import get_permitted_objects
from kadi.lib.resources.utils import get_filtered_resources
from kadi.lib.resources.utils import get_linked_resources
from kadi.lib.resources.utils import search_resources
from kadi.lib.tags.models import Tag
from kadi.lib.web import url_for
from kadi.modules.records.links import _calculate_link_graph_meta
from kadi.modules.records.models import Record
from kadi.modules.records.models import RecordLink
from kadi.modules.records.models import RecordState

from .models import Collection
from .models import CollectionState

[docs] def search_collections( search_query=None, page=1, per_page=10, sort="_score", visibility=None, explicit_permissions=False, user_ids=None, tags=None, tag_operator="or", user=None, ): """Search and filter for collections. Uses :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.get_filtered_resources` and :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param search_query: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param page: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param per_page: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param sort: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. :param visibility: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.get_filtered_resources`. :param explicit_permissions: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.get_filtered_resources`. :param user_ids: (optional) See :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.get_filtered_resources`. :param tags: (optional) A list of tag names to filter the collections with. :param tag_operator: (optional) The operator to filter the tags with. One of ``"or"`` or ``"and"``. :param user: (optional) The user to check for any permissions regarding the searched collections. Defaults to the current user. :return: The search results as returned by :func:`kadi.lib.resources.utils.search_resources`. """ user = user if user is not None else current_user collections_query = get_filtered_resources( Collection, visibility=visibility, explicit_permissions=explicit_permissions, user_ids=user_ids, user=user, ) if tags: if tag_operator == "and": tag_filters = [] for tag in tags: tag_filters.append(Collection.tags.any( == tag)) collections_query = collections_query.filter(*tag_filters) else: # Always fall back to "or" otherwise. collections_query = collections_query.join(Collection.tags).filter( ) collection_ids = [ for c in collections_query.with_entities(] return search_resources( Collection, search_query=search_query, page=page, per_page=per_page, sort=sort, filter_ids=collection_ids, )
[docs] def get_parent_collections(collection, user=None): """Recursively get all parents of a collection that a user can access. In this context having access to a collection means having read permission for it. Note that as soon as a parent collection is not accessible or inactive, no further potential parents are collected. :param collection: The collection to get the parents of. :param user: (optional) The user to check for access permissions when retrieving the collections. Defaults to the current user. :return: A list of parent collections starting with the immediate parent of the given collection. """ user = user if user is not None else current_user collection_ids_query = ( get_permitted_objects(user, "read", "collection") .filter(Collection.state == CollectionState.ACTIVE) .with_entities( ) collection_ids = { for c in collection_ids_query} parents = [] current_parent = collection.parent while current_parent is not None: if not in collection_ids: return parents parents.append(current_parent) current_parent = current_parent.parent return parents
[docs] def get_child_collections(collection, user=None): """Recursively get all children of a collection that a user can access. In this context having access to a collection means having read permission for it. Note that if a collection is not accessible or inactive, no further potential children of this collection are collected. :param collection: The collection to get the children of. :param user: (optional) The user to check for access permissions when retrieving the collections. Defaults to the current user. :return: A list of child collections in unspecified order. """ user = user if user is not None else current_user collection_ids_query = ( get_permitted_objects(user, "read", "collection") .filter(Collection.state == CollectionState.ACTIVE) .with_entities( ) collection_ids = { for c in collection_ids_query} children = [] collections_to_process = [collection] while collections_to_process: current_collection = collections_to_process.pop() for child in current_collection.children: if not in collection_ids: continue children.append(child) collections_to_process.append(child) return children
[docs] def get_child_collection_records(collection, actions=None, user=None): """Recursively get all records of a collection hierarchy that a user can access. In this context, the collection hierarchy refers to the given collection and all its direct or indirect children. Having access to a child collection or record means having read permission for it. Uses :func:`get_child_collections` to determine the children of the given collection. :param collection: The collection to get the children and records of. :param actions: (optional) A list of further actions to check as part of the access permissions of records. :param user: (optional) The user to check for access permissions when retrieving the collections and records. Defaults to the current user. :return: The records as query. Note that duplicate records are already filtered out. """ actions = actions if actions is not None else [] user = user if user is not None else current_user child_collections = get_child_collections(collection, user=user) collection_ids = [] + [ for c in child_collections] records_query = get_permitted_objects(user, "read", "record").filter( Record.state == RecordState.ACTIVE ) for action in set(actions): records_query = get_permitted_objects(user, action, "record").intersect( records_query ) return ( records_query.join(Record.collections) .filter( .distinct() )
def _get_collection_graph_data(collection): endpoint = "api.get_collection_links_graph" return { "id":, "identifier": truncate(collection.identifier, 25), "identifier_full": collection.identifier, "url": url_for( "collections.view_collection",, tab="links", visualize="true", ), "records_endpoint": url_for(endpoint,, links="records"), "children_endpoint": url_for(endpoint,, links="children"), "records": None, "record_links": None, "children": None, }