Source code for kadi.lib.web

# Copyright 2020 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import unicodedata
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import wraps
from io import BytesIO
from mimetypes import guess_type
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from flask import current_app
from flask import flash
from flask import has_request_context
from flask import render_template
from flask import request
from flask import session
from flask import url_for as _url_for
from flask_babel import gettext as _
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers
from werkzeug.exceptions import default_exceptions
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter

import kadi.lib.constants as const
from kadi.lib.cache import memoize_request
from kadi.lib.utils import as_list

[docs] class IdentifierConverter(BaseConverter): """Custom URL converter for identifiers. Validates arguments according to :func:`kadi.lib.validation.validate_identifier`, but also allows and converts/strips uppercase characters and surrounding whitespaces. """ regex = r"\s*[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\s*" def to_python(self, value): return value.strip().lower()
[docs] def flash_danger(message): """Flash a danger message to the next request. Uses Flask's :func:`flash` function with a fixed ``"danger"`` category. :param message: The message to be flashed. """ flash(message, category="danger")
[docs] def flash_info(message): """Flash an info message to the next request. Uses Flask's :func:`flash` function with a fixed ``"info"`` category. :param message: The message to be flashed. """ flash(message, category="info")
[docs] def flash_success(message): """Flash a success message to the next request. Uses Flask's :func:`flash` function with a fixed ``"success"`` category. :param message: The message to be flashed. """ flash(message, category="success")
[docs] def flash_warning(message): """Flash a warning message to the next request. Uses Flask's :func:`flash` function with a fixed ``"warning"`` category. :param message: The message to be flashed. """ flash(message, category="warning")
[docs] @memoize_request def get_locale(): """Get the current locale. The locale will be retrieved from a cookie as defined in :const:`kadi.lib.constants.LOCALE_COOKIE_NAME`. :return: The current locale. If no valid locale could be found, the default locale will be returned. """ default_locale = const.LOCALE_DEFAULT if not has_request_context(): return default_locale if const.LOCALE_COOKIE_NAME in request.cookies: locale = request.cookies.get(const.LOCALE_COOKIE_NAME) else: locale = default_locale if locale in const.LOCALES: return locale return default_locale
[docs] def get_preferred_locale(): """Get the preferred locale of the current user's client. :return: The preferred locale. If no matching locale could be found, the default locale will be returned. """ return request.accept_languages.best_match( list(const.LOCALES), default=const.LOCALE_DEFAULT )
[docs] def encode_filename(filename): """Encode a file name for use in a *Content-Disposition* header. :param filename: The name of the file to encode. :return: A dictionary containing an ASCII version of the file name as ``"filename"`` and optionally an UTF-8 version as ``"filename*"``. """ try: filename.encode("ascii") except UnicodeEncodeError: # Taken from Werkzeug's "send_file" helper. simple_filename = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", filename) simple_filename = simple_filename.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii") quoted_filename = quote(filename, safe="!#$&+-.^_`|~") return { "filename": simple_filename, "filename*": f"UTF-8''{quoted_filename}", } return {"filename": filename}
[docs] def download_bytes( data, *, filename, mimetype=None, as_attachment=True, content_length=None ): """Send bytes or an iterable of bytes to a client as a file. :param data: The binary data to send. :param filename: The name of the file to send. :param mimetype: (optional) The MIME type of the file to send. Defaults to a MIME type based on the given ``filename`` or the default MIME type as defined in :const:`kadi.lib.constants.MIMETYPE_BINARY` if it cannot be guessed. :param as_attachment: (optional) Whether to send the file as an attachment. Note that setting this parameter to ``False`` may pose a security risk, depending on the stream contents, client and context. :param content_length: (optional) The content length of the data in bytes. If not provided, it will be calculated automatically when using bytes or :class:`io.BytesIO` and is otherwise omitted in the response. :return: The response object. """ headers = Headers() headers.set( "Content-Disposition", "attachment" if as_attachment else "inline", **encode_filename(filename), ) if content_length is None: if isinstance(data, bytes): content_length = len(data) elif isinstance(data, BytesIO): content_length = data.getbuffer().nbytes if content_length is not None: headers.set("Content-Length", content_length) if mimetype is None: mimetype = guess_type(filename)[0] or const.MIMETYPE_BINARY return current_app.response_class( response=data, mimetype=mimetype, headers=headers, direct_passthrough=True )
[docs] def url_for(endpoint, _ignore_version=False, **values): r"""Generate an URL based on a given endpoint. Wraps Flask's ``url_for`` function with additional support for generating the correct URLs when using API versioning. Additionally, generated URLs are always external, i.e. absolute. :param endpoint: The endpoint (name of the function) of the URL. :param _ignore_version: (optional) Flag indicating whether the API version should be ignored when building the URL in API requests. :param \**values: The variable arguments of the URL rule. :return: The generated URL string. """ from kadi.lib.api.utils import get_api_version from kadi.lib.api.utils import is_api_request values["_external"] = True if not _ignore_version and is_api_request(): api_version = get_api_version(default=None) if api_version is not None: _endpoint = f"{endpoint}_{api_version}" # In case the endpoint is not actually versioned, we just fall back to the # original one that was passed in. try: return _url_for(_endpoint, **values) except: pass return _url_for(endpoint, **values)
[docs] def static_url(filename): """Generate a static URL for a given filename. Will make use of the ``MANIFEST_MAPPING`` defined in the application's configuration if an entry exists for the given filename. :param filename: The name of the file to include in the URL. :return: The generated URL string. """ manifest_mapping = current_app.config["MANIFEST_MAPPING"] return url_for("static", filename=manifest_mapping.get(filename, filename))
[docs] def get_next_url(fallback=None): """Get the validated target URL to redirect a user to after login. The target URL will be retrieved from the session via :const:`kadi.lib.constants.SESSION_KEY_NEXT_URL`. :param fallback: (optional) The fallback URL to use in case the target URL is invalid or could not be found. Defaults to the index page. :return: The validated target URL. """ if has_request_context() and const.SESSION_KEY_NEXT_URL in session: next_url = session[const.SESSION_KEY_NEXT_URL] ref_url = urlparse(request.host_url) test_url = urlparse(urljoin(request.host_url, next_url)) if test_url.scheme in {"http", "https"} and ref_url.netloc == test_url.netloc: return next_url return fallback if fallback is not None else url_for("main.index")
[docs] def get_error_description(status_code): """Get an error description corresponding to an HTTP status code. :param status_code: The HTTP status code. :return: The error description. """ if status_code == 403: return _("You do not have permission to access the requested resource.") if status_code == 404: return _("The requested URL could not be found.") if status_code == 429: return _("Request limit exceeded, please try again later.") exc = default_exceptions.get(status_code) if exc is not None: return exc.description return _("An unknown error occured.")
[docs] def html_error_response(status_code, description=None): """Return an HTML error response to a client. :param status_code: The HTTP status code of the response. :param description: (optional) The error description. Defaults to the result of :func:`get_error_description` using the given status code. :return: The HTML response. """ description = ( description if description is not None else get_error_description(status_code) ) template = render_template( "error.html", title=status_code, status_code=status_code, description=description, ) return current_app.response_class(response=template, status=status_code)
[docs] def get_apidoc_meta(func): """Get the API documentation meta dictionary of a view function. If not present yet, a corresponding dictionary will be created first as an attribute of the given view function. :param func: The view function. :return: The newly created or existing meta dictionary. """ if not hasattr(func, const.APIDOC_META_ATTR): setattr(func, const.APIDOC_META_ATTR, {}) return getattr(func, const.APIDOC_META_ATTR)
[docs] def qparam( name, location=None, multiple=False, default="", parse=None, description="", ): """Decorator to parse a query parameter in a view function. Convenience decorator to retrieve and parse a specified query parameter from the current request. The decorator can be applied multiple times. Each parameter will be injected into the decorated function as part a dictionary inside the keyword argument ``qparams``. The dictionary maps each given parameter name to its respective value. The information about the query parameter is also used when generating the API documentation. :param name: The name of both the query parameter and the dictionary key that is injected into the decorated function. :param location: (optional) The name of the query parameter to use instead of ``name``. :param multiple: (optional) Flag indicating whether the query parameter can be specified multiple times and should be retrieved as list value. :param default: (optional) The default value or a callable returning a default value to use in case the query parameter is missing and ``multiple`` is ``False``, otherwise the default value will always be an empty list. :param parse: (optional) A callable or list of callables to parse the parameter value if it is not missing. Each callable must take and return a single parameter value. If parsing fails with a ``ValueError``, the default value is taken instead if ``multiple`` is ``False``, otherwise each invalid value is removed from the resulting list. :param description: (optional) A description of the query parameter, which is only used when generating the API documentation. Supports reST syntax. """ location = location if location is not None else name parse = parse if parse is not None else [] parse = as_list(parse) def decorator(func): # If a callable was provided, it needs to be evaluated each time. def _get_default_value(default): return default if not callable(default) else default() apidoc_meta = get_apidoc_meta(func) qparam_meta = apidoc_meta.get(const.APIDOC_QPARAMS_KEY, OrderedDict()) qparam_meta[location] = { "multiple": multiple, "default": _get_default_value(default), "description": description, } qparam_meta.move_to_end(location, last=False) if const.APIDOC_QPARAMS_KEY not in apidoc_meta: apidoc_meta[const.APIDOC_QPARAMS_KEY] = qparam_meta @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): parse_value = True if multiple: value = request.args.getlist(location) else: if location in request.args: value = request.args.get(location) else: value = _get_default_value(default) # Skip parsing in case we fall back to the default value. parse_value = False if parse_value: for parse_func in parse: if multiple: values = [] for _value in value: try: values.append(parse_func(_value)) except ValueError: pass value = values else: try: value = parse_func(value) except ValueError: value = _get_default_value(default) break if "qparams" in kwargs: kwargs["qparams"][name] = value else: kwargs["qparams"] = {name: value} return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def paginated(page_max=None, per_page_max=100): """Decorator to parse paginated query parameters. Convenience decorator to get and parse the query parameters ``"page"`` and ``"per_page"`` from the current request. The former defaults to ``1`` while the latter defaults to ``10`` if no valid integer values were found. Both parameters will be injected into the decorated function as keyword arguments ``page`` and ``per_page``. The information about the query parameters is also used when generating the API documentation. :param page_max: (optional) The maximum possible value of the ``"page"`` parameter. :param per_page_max: (optional) The maximum possible value of the ``"per_page"`` parameter. """ def decorator(func): apidoc_meta = get_apidoc_meta(func) apidoc_meta[const.APIDOC_PAGINATION_KEY] = { "page_max": page_max, "per_page_max": per_page_max, } @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): page = request.args.get("page", 1, type=int) page = max(page, 1) if page_max is not None: page = min(page, page_max) per_page = request.args.get("per_page", 10, type=int) per_page = min(max(per_page, 1), per_page_max) kwargs["page"] = page kwargs["per_page"] = per_page return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper # Decoration without parentheses. if callable(page_max) and per_page_max == 100: return paginated()(page_max) return decorator