Source code for

# Copyright 2020 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from elasticsearch.exceptions import ConnectionError as ESConnectionError
from elasticsearch.exceptions import NotFoundError as ESNotFoundError
from elasticsearch.exceptions import RequestError as ESRequestError
from elasticsearch_dsl import Document
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
from elasticsearch_dsl import analyzer
from elasticsearch_dsl import tokenizer
from flask import current_app

from kadi.ext.elasticsearch import es
from kadi.lib.format import timestamp
from kadi.lib.utils import as_list

    tokenizer=tokenizer("trigram", "ngram", min_gram=3, max_gram=3),

[docs] class BaseMapping(Document): """Base class for all search mappings."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_attributes(cls): """Get a list of all attributes from a mapping class.""" properties = return list(properties._params["properties"].keys())
[docs] @classmethod def create_document(cls, obj): """Create a new document to be indexed in ElasticSearch :param obj: The object to be indexed. :return: The created document. """ document = cls() = for attr in cls.get_attributes(): if hasattr(obj, attr): setattr(document, attr, getattr(obj, attr)) return document
[docs] def create_index(model, force=False): """Create a new search index if it does not exist yet. The name of the index will be in the form of ``"<tablename>_<timestamp>"``, where ``<tablename>`` depends on the given model. An alias ``<tablename>`` pointing to the actual index will also be created automatically if it does not exist yet. :param model: The model to create the index of. See also :class:`.SearchableMixin`. :param force: (optional) Flag indicating whether a new index should be created even if one already exists. Note that if an alias already exists it will not be updated automatically to point to the new index. :return: The name of the newly created or existing index or ``None`` if no new index could be created. """ alias = model.__tablename__ try: alias_exists = es.indices.exists(index=alias) if alias_exists and not force: return list(es.indices.get_alias(index=alias).keys())[0] index = f"{alias}_{timestamp(include_micro=True)}" mapping_class = model.get_mapping_class() mapping_class.init(using=es, index=index) if not alias_exists: es.indices.put_alias(index=index, name=alias) return index except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) return None
[docs] def add_to_index(obj, index=None): """Add an object to its corresponding search index. :param obj: The object to index. See also :class:`.SearchableMixin`. :param index: (optional) The name of an index that should be used instead of the alias corresponding to the given object. See also :func:`create_index`. :return: ``True`` if the object was indexed successfully, ``False`` otherwise. """ index = index if index is not None else obj.__tablename__ try: # Check if the index actually exists, as it will be created dynamically # otherwise (even if dynamic mapping is turned off for newly added fields). if not es.indices.exists(index=index): return False document = obj.get_mapping_class().create_document(obj), index=index) except ESConnectionError as e: if not current_app.config["ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLE_FALLBACK"]: current_app.logger.exception(e) return False except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) return False return True
[docs] def remove_from_index(obj, index=None): """Remove an object from its corresponding search index. :param obj: The object to remove from the index. See also :class:`.SearchableMixin`. :param index: (optional) The name of an index that should be used instead of the alias corresponding to the given object. See also :func:`create_index`. :return: ``True`` if the object was removed successfully, ``False`` otherwise. """ index = index if index is not None else obj.__tablename__ mapping_class = obj.get_mapping_class() try: document = mapping_class.get(using=es, index=index, document.delete(using=es) except ESNotFoundError: pass except ESConnectionError as e: if not current_app.config["ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLE_FALLBACK"]: current_app.logger.exception(e) return False except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) return False return True
[docs] def search_index(index, query=None, sort="_score", filter_ids=None, start=0, end=10): """Query a specific search index. :param index: The name of the search index. :param query: (optional) The search query in form of an Elasticsearch DSL query object. :param sort: (optional) The name of a field or a list of multiple fields to sort on. :param filter_ids: (optional) A list of IDs to restrict the search results to. :param start: (optional) The start index of the results to return. :param end: (optional) The end index of the results to return. :return: A response object as returned by the Elasticsearch DSL or ``None`` if the request returned an error. Note that only the metadata will be returned as part of the search results, without any field data. :raises elasticsearch.exceptions.ConnectionError: If no connection could be established to Elasticsearch. """ search = Search(using=es, index=index) if query: search = search.query(query) if filter_ids is not None: search = search.filter("ids", values=filter_ids) search = ( search.sort(*as_list(sort)) .extra(track_total_hits=True) .source(False)[start:end] ) try: response = search.execute() except ESRequestError: # Ignore malformed requests. return None except ESConnectionError as e: if not current_app.config["ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLE_FALLBACK"]: current_app.logger.exception(e) raise except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) return None return response