Source code for kadi.lib.resources.schemas

# Copyright 2022 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from marshmallow import ValidationError
from marshmallow import fields
from marshmallow import post_dump
from marshmallow import validates
from marshmallow.validate import Length
from marshmallow.validate import OneOf
from marshmallow.validate import Range

import kadi.lib.constants as const
from kadi.lib.api.core import check_access_token_scopes
from kadi.lib.conversion import lower
from kadi.lib.conversion import normalize
from kadi.lib.conversion import strip
from kadi.lib.schemas import CustomString
from kadi.lib.schemas import KadiSchema
from kadi.lib.schemas import validate_identifier
from kadi.lib.web import url_for
from kadi.modules.groups.models import Group

[docs]class BaseResourceSchema(KadiSchema): """Base schema class to represent different kinds of resources. These resources may refer to instances of :class:`.Record`, :class:`.Collection`, :class:`.Template` or :class:`.Group`. """ id = fields.Integer(required=True) identifier = CustomString( required=True, filter=[lower, strip], validate=[Length(max=const.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER_MAX_LEN), validate_identifier], ) title = CustomString( required=True, filter=normalize, validate=Length(max=const.RESOURCE_TITLE_MAX_LEN), ) description = CustomString( allow_ws_only=True, filter=strip, validate=Length(max=const.RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN), ) visibility = fields.String( validate=OneOf( [const.RESOURCE_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, const.RESOURCE_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC] ) ) plain_description = fields.String(dump_only=True) state = fields.String(dump_only=True) created_at = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True) last_modified = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True) creator = fields.Nested("UserSchema", dump_only=True) @post_dump def _post_dump(self, data, **kwargs): if "creator" in data and not check_access_token_scopes(""): del data["creator"] return data
[docs]class BaseResourceRoleSchema(KadiSchema): """Base schema class to represent different kinds of resource roles. :param obj: (optional) An object that the current resource role refers to, which may be used when generating corresponding actions. """ role = fields.Nested("RoleSchema", required=True) _actions = fields.Method("_generate_actions") def __init__(self, obj=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.obj = obj def _generate_actions(self, obj): return {}
[docs]class UserResourceRoleSchema(BaseResourceRoleSchema): """Schema to represent user roles. :param obj: (optional) An object that the current user role refers to. An instance of :class:`.Record`, :class:`.Collection`, :class:`.Template` or :class:`.Group`. See also :class:`BaseResourceRoleSchema`. """ user = fields.Nested("UserSchema", required=True) def _generate_actions(self, obj): actions = {} try: user = getattr(obj, "user") except: user = obj.get("user") if user is None or self.obj is None: return actions if isinstance(self.obj, Group): kwargs = {"group_id":, "user_id":} actions["remove_member"] = url_for("api.remove_group_member", **kwargs) actions["change_member"] = url_for("api.change_group_member", **kwargs) else: object_name = self.obj.__tablename__ kwargs = {f"{object_name}_id":, "user_id":} actions["remove_role"] = url_for( f"api.remove_{object_name}_user_role", **kwargs ) actions["change_role"] = url_for( f"api.change_{object_name}_user_role", **kwargs ) return actions
[docs] def dump_from_iterable(self, iterable): """Serialize an iterable containing user roles. :param iterable: An iterable yielding tuples each containing a user and a corresponding role object. :return: The serialized output. """ user_roles = [{"user": user, "role": role} for user, role in iterable] return self.dump(user_roles, many=True)
[docs]class GroupResourceRoleSchema(BaseResourceRoleSchema): """Schema to represent group roles. :param obj: (optional) An object that the current group role refers to. An instance of :class:`.Record`, :class:`.Collection` or :class:`.Template`. See also :class:`BaseResourceRoleSchema`. """ group = fields.Nested("GroupSchema", required=True) def _generate_actions(self, obj): actions = {} try: group = getattr(obj, "group") except: group = obj.get("group") if group is None or self.obj is None: return actions object_name = self.obj.__tablename__ kwargs = {f"{object_name}_id":, "group_id":} actions["remove_role"] = url_for( f"api.remove_{object_name}_group_role", **kwargs ) actions["change_role"] = url_for( f"api.change_{object_name}_group_role", **kwargs ) return actions
[docs] def dump_from_iterable(self, iterable): """Serialize an iterable containing group roles. :param iterable: An iterable yielding tuples each containing a group and a corresponding role object. :return: The serialized output. """ group_roles = [{"group": group, "role": role} for group, role in iterable] return self.dump(group_roles, many=True)
[docs]class ResourceRoleDataSchema(KadiSchema): """Schema to represent the data of user or group resource roles. Mainly useful in combination with :func:`kadi.lib.resources.views.update_roles` and within templates. :param roles: A list of valid role values. :param allow_none: (optional) Whether to allow ``None`` as a valid role value. """ subject_type = fields.String(required=True, validate=OneOf(["user", "group"])) subject_id = fields.Integer(required=True, validate=Range(min=1)) role = fields.String(required=True, allow_none=True) @validates("role") def _validate_role(self, value): if value is None: if not self.allow_none: raise ValidationError("Field may not be null.") return if value not in self.roles: raise ValidationError(f"Must be one of: {', '.join(self.roles)}.") def __init__(self, roles, allow_none=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.roles = set(roles) self.allow_none = allow_none
[docs]def check_duplicate_identifier(model, identifier, exclude=None): """Check for a duplicate identifier in a schema. :param model: The model class to check the identifier of. One of :class:`.Record`, :class:`.Collection`, :class:`.Template` or :class:`.Group`. :param identifier: The identifier to check. :param exclude: (optional) An instance of the model that should be excluded in the check. """ obj_to_check = model.query.filter_by(identifier=identifier).first() if obj_to_check is not None and (exclude is None or exclude != obj_to_check): raise ValidationError("Identifier is already in use.")