Source code for kadi.lib.permissions.models

# Copyright 2020 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB

from kadi.ext.db import db
from kadi.lib.db import SimpleTimestampMixin
from kadi.lib.db import check_constraint
from kadi.lib.db import composite_index
from kadi.lib.db import unique_constraint
from kadi.lib.utils import SimpleReprMixin
from kadi.lib.utils import StringEnum

[docs] class Role(SimpleReprMixin, db.Model): """Model representing roles. A role can be used to determine permissions of a user or group. There are two kinds of roles specified by this model: * Roles belonging to a specific object instance, in which case the :attr:`object` and :attr:`object_id` are set. * System roles, possibly belonging to multiple object types and instances, in which case the :attr:`object` and :attr:`object_id` are not set. """
[docs] class Meta: """Container to store meta class attributes.""" representation = ["id", "name", "object", "object_id"] """See :class:`.SimpleReprMixin`."""
__tablename__ = "role" __table_args__ = ( unique_constraint(__tablename__, "name", "object", "object_id"), check_constraint( "(object IS NULL AND object_id IS NULL)" " OR (object IS NOT NULL AND object_id IS NOT NULL)", "system_role", ), ) id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) """The ID of the role, auto incremented.""" name = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) """The name of the role.""" object = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True) """The type of object the role refers to. If set, always refers to a specific model via its table name. If not set, the :attr:`object_id` has to be ``None`` as well. """ object_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) """The ID of an object the role refers to. If not set, the :attr:`object` has to be ``None`` as well. """ users = db.relationship( "User", secondary="user_role", lazy="dynamic", back_populates="roles" ) groups = db.relationship( "Group", secondary="group_role", lazy="dynamic", back_populates="roles" ) role_rules = db.relationship( "RoleRule", back_populates="role", cascade="all, delete-orphan" )
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, *, name, object=None, object_id=None): """Create a new role and add it to the database session. :param name: The name of the role. :param object: (optional) The type of object the role refers to. :param object_id: (optional) The ID of the object. :return: The new :class:`Role` object. """ role = cls(name=name, object=object, object_id=object_id) db.session.add(role) return role
[docs] class RoleRuleType(StringEnum): """String enum containing all possible type values for role rules.""" __values__ = ["username"]
[docs] class RoleRule(SimpleReprMixin, SimpleTimestampMixin, db.Model): """Model to represent role rules. Role rules can be used to automate permission management by automatically granting users or groups roles for different resources based on different conditions. """
[docs] class Meta: """Container to store meta class attributes.""" representation = ["id", "role_id", "type", "condition"] """See :class:`.SimpleReprMixin`."""
__tablename__ = "role_rule" __table_args__ = (composite_index(__tablename__, "role_id", "type"),) id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) """The ID of the role rule, auto incremented.""" role_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=False) """The ID of the :class:`.Role` the role rule refers to.""" type = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) """The type of the role rule. Currently only ``"username"``. """ condition = db.Column(JSONB, nullable=False) """The condition of the role rule, depending on its type. For each of the role rule types, the data consists of: * ``"username"``: An object containing the type of a user's identity (``"identity_type"``) and a pattern (``"pattern"``) to check the corresponding username with. """ role = db.relationship("Role", back_populates="role_rules")
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, *, role, type, condition): """Create a new role rule and add it to the database session. :param role: The role the role rule refers to. :param type: The type of the role rule. :param condition: The condition of the role rule. :return: The new :class:`RoleRule` object. """ role_rule = cls(role=role, type=type, condition=condition) db.session.add(role_rule) return role_rule